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Ahimi®, the world’s first plant-based alternative to raw tuna, is being featured as part of Trapper Sushi’s Fall limited time offer from October 1 to December 31 in the Seattle and South Sound areas!

Ahimi is featured in the PNW Roots Roll - a vibrant roll filled with crisp cucumber, creamy avocado chunks, and green leaf lettuce, topped with savory Ahimi and garnished with cilantro. The roll is available for $12.

Trapper’s Sushi PNW Roots Roll

Trapper’s Sushi PNW Roots Roll

Consumer interest in plant-based options continues to boom

With 128 million Americans now following a flexitarian diet for reasons related to health, sustainability, or animal welfare, restaurants have begun to take notice. Even mainstream chains like KFC and McDonald’s are jumping on the bandwagon by offering plant-based alternatives that appeal to vegans and flexitarians alike. 

And with vegan burgers and vegan chicken gaining such ground, it’s clear that the time is right for restaurants to get ahead of the curve by adding innovative plant-based seafood options to their menus.

“We wanted to offer a tuna alternative and gauge customer interest to determine how we could offer the product in the future.” - Jaysin Reyna, Director of Culinary Operations at Trapper’s Sushi.

We’re excited to hear what you think! Tag us on social so we can let others in your neighborhood know that delicious plant-based sushi options are nearby.

For more details on each location, check out our menu locator. You can also visit Trapper’s store locator

The Trapper’s Sushi locations offering Ahimi are: